The Null Hypothesis Adult Adventure and Dating Sim X-Men Parody Game Free Download For windows PC, Mac, Linux and Android

The Null Hypothesis [v0.7b] By Ron Chon

Saves from v0.2 will not work with v0.3+

Download For Windows / Linux

Download For Mac OS

Download For Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Cheat Mode


Able to modify:

  • Player’s cash
  • Player’s ability points
  • Player’s stamina (during sex scenes)
  • Girl’s stamina (during sex scenes)
  • Player’s EXP for that level
  • Player’s desire (during sex scenes)
  • Girl’s desire (during sex scenes)
  • Girl’s love (via Character info screen)
    • Please note that artificially increasing love and/or trust will NOT lead to sex sooner. See FAQ for more details.
  • Girl’s trust (via Character info screen)
    • Please note that artificially increasing love and/or trust will NOT lead to sex sooner. See FAQ for more details.
  • Removing any current flags (not traits) of you having cheated on them presently and in the past. Please see v1.8 logs for details as this can be game breaking IF used at the wrong time.
  • Can remove statuses like mad, nympho and horny (via relationship window)
  • Friendship between one character and another (via relationship window)

Season caps on girl’s love and trust has all been raised to 99999
Able to have sex (when available) outside the bedroom. There are few caveats:

  • Can’t do it in front of an NPC (Kurt, Prof. X)
    • When unable to because of NPC being present, the GUI may desync a little. (this is a minor game bug. Already reported to the devs)
  • When multiple girls are on screen, the positioning and interaction can get a little weird.
    • This is due to the fact that the game devs have already partially implemented threesomes. So while more than 1 girl can be present, their interactions, rather lack thereof, throws off the character positioning.

The girls will NOT clean the cum off of them when they leave the bedroom IF they’ve agreed to wear it 10 times.
Also turns on developer console.


  1. Download into the “game” folder for the game
  2. Run the .bat or .sh file
  3. Wait for it to tell you when it’s done.


  1. Get a fresh copy of the game (i.e. not previously modified/cheat injected).
  2. Follow installation instructions.


Will I make an Android version?
– Short answer: No. It’s a technological limit.

Ren’py games are packaged for android (plus, there’s no native console/script running that one can easily use on android) so there’s no way for a script to open up and modify a game via android.

But there is hope. Last I heard, (and I’m not an expert. I don’t use android) joiplay will export/package (I don’t actually know how they do it) ren’py games to android. As such, you can apply the cheat on a PC (linux or windows. The linux version *should* work on a mac too.) and use joiplay to play it on android.
As per this post The Null Hypothesis game currently doesn’t work for joiplay. Making the question of an android version of this cheat moot.

Why won’t <insert character here> have sex with me even thought their love/trust value is over 9k? <insert DBZ meme here>
– Whether or not they have sex with you is not dependent on a numeric value, but on specific event flags. At the time of writing, the characters will need to have said “I love you” first before they are willing to have sex with you.

Can you add that as part of the cheat?
– Short answer: I won’t as this is a bad idea.

This is something I considered and decided against. Doing so would break the game and cut you off from other and/or further content. These flags are applied in a linear fashion, but not related to each other in any linear way. To add this flag artificially could mean other flags (and hence, other events that are dependent on those flags) can never be reached, thus breaking the game.

Console Command

Found some console command to make the grind more bearable (hopefully the dev won’t change the code on each update :p )

(replace Rogue with Laura or Jean)
I’ve added 9000 but the quest will lock you at a certain number until you finish each quests, which will reward you with a higher cap

(replace none with bush, growing, hairy, null, shaven, strip or triangle)
Rogue.piercings[“nipple”] =”ring”
replace “ring” with “False” or “barbell”
replace “nipple” with “labia” or “belly”

I’ve added 5 as to not encounter noclip issue

Those code work but I’m not sure what they do or how they show a difference in the game:

still trying to find the code to enable sex and anal
I’ve added 3 as to not encounter noclip issue

Adjust the 4 different squares:


1st slot:
Laura.status[‘miffed’] = 1
Laura.status[‘mad’] = 1
3rd slot:
Laura.status[‘heartbroken’] = 1
2nd slot:
Laura.status[‘horny’] = 1
no slot:
Laura.status[‘nympho’] = 0

Make the girl at ease with being naked:
best to follow these steps first

  1. open wardrobe
  2. set the outfit you want her to have
  3. open the console and launch the command then exit the console
  4. (optional) save the outfit

^Not worth testing since it will be cancelled after a scene changes and the game checks the current outfit again

Editor's Rating

Story 82%
Visual 87%
Engagement 71%
Core Loop 58%

This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.

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I'm the enigmatic mind behind the sensual narratives on DikGames.Info. A passionate storyteller, Juliana crafts worlds where desire and fantasy intertwine. With a penchant for exploring the boundaries of intimacy, her creations invite you to embark on thrilling journeys within the realm of adult gaming. Reach Me At: