Something Unlimited Latest Version Free Download For PC, Mac And Android

Something Unlimited [v2.4.8] By Gunsmoke Games

What is Rebuilt Demo – Something Unlimited has some issues, To eliminate the issues dev is rebuilding it from scratch. So the rebuilt demo doesn’t have as much content as original one currently but will catch up later on.

BugFix: Press B in the Main City to fix the black screen bug.

Download For Windows PC

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Download For Android (v2.4.7)

This version is a short abandoned demo and is only kept here for archival purposes.

Download The Rebuilt Demo For Windows

Download The Rebuilt Demo For Mac OS

Download The Rebuilt Demo For Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough & Save Mod & Saves File

What the mod does:

  • Set every NPC available
    • May reset the next day
  • Unlock every location
  • Unlock character that are quest-locked
  • Unlock every outfit on living quarter

More info on the mod found on -> Read this thing.txt

Installation of the mod

  • Download
  • Extract the content into your game folder.
  • Double Click on saveslotX (X being the number of your file)
  • Click yes
  • Open the game Something Unlimited
    • Don’t forget to press C on main map to activate cheat

Spoiler: Import/export your saves

Did you want to backup your save or maybe import from someone else? All you have to do is the following. It is 100% safe and sharing or downloading another Resgistry will do nothing to you system other than delete your previous file. See warning for details.

Warning: downloading a Registry or sharing your own will DELETE whichever slot you chose (1, 2 or 3) when opening it. Take that into consideration when messing with the Registry.

If you want to find your Registry to backup or share it, do the following:

1. Press Windows Key + R
2. In the Run command enter regedit
3. Once the Registry is open and you select yes for Windows to open it, look for HKEY_CURRENT_USER
4. Scroll down to Software and double click on it
5. Scroll down to Someguy and double click on it
6. Open Something Unlimited
7. Go to File and then Export. Save it to wherever on the computer
8. Upload it to Zippy

If you want to Overwrite a Slot Save:

1. Download or find where you saved a Reg File
2. Open said Reg file
3. A warning will come up saying if you want to make changes to the Registry
4. Say yes (It’s safe)
5. Wait for the changes to be made and that should be it

If you want to back up your current save, and still want to download a new one, you still can. Follow the same steps and stop at 7. You can only have 1 current save for each Slot. If you know you are going to Download a Save for Slot 1 but want to keep your old one, just keep it in a safe place. When you are done, just open up the same Reg File and that should bring back your old one.

The Registry can be difficult to understand.

P.S. Couldn’t find source.
If you find a more recent, share it here.

Something Unlimited version 2.1.1

All the new scenes unlocked in the Vault – Event Scenes.

Extract the archive, double click the .reg file to import saves. Beware, this will replace your current saves for the slot 1.

hey i used the 2.4.4 save on this version; it works but for some reason i cant use the girls in the bordello or the strip clubis that a bug or am i missing somthing

Not a bug. Girls can’t be in a few places at the same time. In my saves they are all in the cells.
To put them in the club or in the bordello from there you need to reset their devices first.
To reset device:
Lexcorp – Labs – Labs – Devices – Upgrade – Choose a girl – Reset – Reset
Note that when you’re resetting a device you reset its level, and you need to upgrade its level to do more explicit stuff in the Club/Bordello.

Download Bonus Images

Download Guide 1 & 2 & Scene Guide

Below is my updated quick reference sheet for 2.4.1. The main change is that I added a bunch of Amazon characters at the bottom in their own section, and updated a few descriptions…

As I’ve noted previously, the purpose of this quick reference sheet is to convey some basic info about the various characters. It is NOT intended to replace Archer’s more comprehensive guide, which is also linked in the OP. For more detailed info about scene progression and such, I recommend Archer’s guide, but if you just need a bit of quick info, like what level device you need to capture a particular superheroine, that’s what my quick reference sheet is designed for.

None of the Amazons on Themyscira have ‘slut costume’ versions yet, which is my preferred thumbnail, so I went with the nekkid versions in most cases, ‘cuz I like nekkid chicks. Note that in many cases you won’t see them nekkid in game yet…

I pretty much drew my info from the 2.3.9 changelog as far as scenes are concerned, as I can’t go back in my current save, and my other two saves are much earlier in the story. So I would have to do a lot of grinding to unlock Themyscira again to play from the beginning of the event, and I have other projects that I need to focus on atm.

So if I missed anything, PLEASE post up here and let me know, so that I can adjust things accordingly. Suggestions are of course welcome! Also, if Market Gal has an ingame name, let me know. Her art is based on DCAU Antiope, but SR7 went with a different version of Antiope that was seen in other media.

Enjoy! :cool:


Anyone have the current 2.222 list of scenes and costumes? It kind of drives me mad watching all the purple buttons and don’t knowing if that is already implemented or still not. Same with costumes. idk if I opened them all available or still miss something. I’m on day 413 , but it is a progressive save file from old versions too.

I got this really comprehensive, but messy guide of all the scenes and costume combinations. So yeah

Edit: Updated for 2.2.333

Editor's Rating

Story 85%
Visual 80%
Engagement 91%
Core Loop 94%

This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.

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