Rogue-like Evolution Adult Parody Adventure Game Free Download For Windows Pc, Mac, Linux and Android

Rogue-like: Evolution [v1.61d] By Oni

Download For Windows PC

Download For Windows - Unstable v1.6d

Download For Windows - Stable v1.54c

Download For Windows - 2020 Version

Download For Mac OS

Download For Mac OS - Unstable v1.6d

Download For Mac OS - Stable v1.54c

Download For Mac OS - 2020 Version

Download For Linux OS

Download For Linux - Unstable v1.6d

Download For Linux - Stable v1.54c

Download For Linux - 2020 Version

Download For Android - v1.1d

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Cheat Injector, Cheat Mod, Cheats & Prime Mod


  • Click and drag the stat bars to change stats in real time.
  • Click on the clock to reset the time if you run out of time in a sex scene.
  • Click on the backpack to give yourself money and level up all the characters.
  • Developer console enabled for direct variable manipulation. Access by pressing Shift+O. Use at own risk!


  1. Download and unzip the latest Rogue-Like version.
  2. Download “RL Inject.bat” and place it in the Rogue-Like folder. It should be in the same place as “Rogue-Like.exe”.
  3. Double-click “RL Inject.bat” to run the script and follow the instructions.
  4. Double-click “Rogue-Like.exe” to run the game. If everything went well, the main menu should say “Cheats enabled!” at the top.

Spoiler: v1.6

  • Added Wanda


Hands-free cheat mode applied: Just choose what you want to change and let the program run by itself

Maxed stats from day 1
Girls open at any fetish and full availability you may have
Some basics function like Professor X interrupting you will still happen -> you may have a counter-plan available already

For mobile:
Use an apk with console enabled and paste these in the console for each girls:


Player.Cash=99999; Player.Focus=10; Player.Income=1000; Player.Lvl=20; Player.Semen_Max=10; Player.StatPoints=10; Keys.append("Xavier"); Player.History("mall"); .History.append("micro"); .History.append("mall"); renpy.free_memory();


Day=15; RogueX.Anal=1000; RogueX.Action=10; RogueX.Blow=1000; RogueX.Foot=1000; RogueX.Hand=1000; RogueX.Inbt=1000; RogueX.LikeRogue=1000; RogueX.LikeKitty=1000; RogueX.LikeEmma=1000; RogueX.LikeLaura=1000; RogueX.LikeEmma=1000; RogueX.LikeStorm=1000; RogueX.LikeJubes=1000; RogueX.LikeGwen=1000; RogueX.LikeBetsy=1000; RogueX.LikeDoreen=1000; RogueX.Loose=1000; RogueX.Love=1000; RogueX.Lvl=20; RogueX.MaxAction=10; RogueX.Obed=1000; RogueX.SEXP=1000; RogueX.StatPoints=20; RogueX.Taboo=0; RogueX.Thirst=0; RogueX.Addict=0; RogueX.Tit=1000; RogueX.Vaginal=1000; Keys.append(RogueX); RogueX.Traits.append("exhibitionist"); RogueX.Traits.append("follow"); RogueX.Traits.append("vocal"); RogueX.Traits.append("poly rogue"); RogueX.Traits.append("poly kitty"); RogueX.Traits.append("poly emma"); RogueX.Traits.append("poly laura"); RogueX.Traits.append("poly emma"); RogueX.Traits.append("poly storm"); RogueX.Traits.append("poly jubes"); RogueX.Traits.append("poly gwen"); RogueX.Traits.append("poly betsy"); RogueX.Traits.append("poly doreen"); RogueX.Traits.append("chill"); RogueX.Traits.append("touch"); RogueX.History.append("met"); RogueX.History.append("sir"); RogueX.History.append("master"); RogueX.History.append("sexfriend"); RogueX.History.append("bottomless"); RogueX.History.append("topless"); RogueX.History.append("poly rogue"); RogueX.History.append("poly kitty"); RogueX.History.append("poly emma"); RogueX.History.append("poly laura"); RogueX.History.append("poly emma"); RogueX.History.append("poly storm"); RogueX.History.append("poly jubes"); RogueX.History.append("poly gwen"); RogueX.History.append("poly betsy"); RogueX.History.append("poly doreen"); renpy.free_memory();


Day=15; KittyX.Anal=1000; KittyX.Action=10; KittyX.Blow=1000; KittyX.Foot=1000; KittyX.Hand=1000; KittyX.Inbt=1000; KittyX.LikeRogue=1000; KittyX.LikeKitty=1000; KittyX.LikeEmma=1000; KittyX.LikeLaura=1000; KittyX.LikeEmma=1000; KittyX.LikeStorm=1000; KittyX.LikeJubes=1000; KittyX.LikeGwen=1000; KittyX.LikeBetsy=1000; KittyX.LikeDoreen=1000; KittyX.Loose=1000; KittyX.Love=1000; KittyX.Lvl=20; KittyX.MaxAction=10; KittyX.Obed=1000; KittyX.SEXP=1000; KittyX.StatPoints=20; KittyX.Taboo=0; KittyX.Thirst=0; KittyX.Addict=0; KittyX.Tit=1000; KittyX.Vaginal=1000; Keys.append(KittyX); KittyX.Traits.append("exhibitionist"); KittyX.Traits.append("follow"); KittyX.Traits.append("vocal"); KittyX.Traits.append("poly rogue"); KittyX.Traits.append("poly kitty"); KittyX.Traits.append("poly emma"); KittyX.Traits.append("poly laura"); KittyX.Traits.append("poly emma"); KittyX.Traits.append("poly storm"); KittyX.Traits.append("poly jubes"); KittyX.Traits.append("poly gwen"); KittyX.Traits.append("poly betsy"); KittyX.Traits.append("poly doreen"); KittyX.Traits.append("chill"); KittyX.Traits.append("Sneakthief"); KittyX.History.append("met"); KittyX.History.append("sir"); KittyX.History.append("master"); KittyX.History.append("sexfriend"); KittyX.History.append("bottomless"); KittyX.History.append("topless"); KittyX.History.append("poly rogue"); KittyX.History.append("poly kitty"); KittyX.History.append("poly emma"); KittyX.History.append("poly laura"); KittyX.History.append("poly emma"); KittyX.History.append("poly storm"); KittyX.History.append("poly jubes"); KittyX.History.append("poly gwen"); KittyX.History.append("poly betsy"); KittyX.History.append("poly doreen"); Player.Traits.append"Kappa"; renpy.free_memory();


Day=15; EmmaX.Anal=1000; EmmaX.Action=10; EmmaX.Blow=1000; EmmaX.Foot=1000; EmmaX.Hand=1000; EmmaX.Inbt=1000; EmmaX.LikeRogue=1000; EmmaX.LikeKitty=1000; EmmaX.LikeEmma=1000; EmmaX.LikeLaura=1000; EmmaX.LikeEmma=1000; EmmaX.LikeStorm=1000; EmmaX.LikeJubes=1000; EmmaX.LikeGwen=1000; EmmaX.LikeBetsy=1000; EmmaX.LikeDoreen=1000; EmmaX.Loose=1000; EmmaX.Love=1000; EmmaX.Lvl=20; EmmaX.MaxAction=10; EmmaX.Obed=1000; EmmaX.SEXP=1000; EmmaX.StatPoints=20; EmmaX.Taboo=0; EmmaX.Thirst=0; EmmaX.Addict=0; EmmaX.Tit=1000; EmmaX.Vaginal=1000; Keys.append(EmmaX); EmmaX.Traits.append("exhibitionist"); EmmaX.Traits.append("follow"); EmmaX.Traits.append("vocal"); EmmaX.Traits.append("poly rogue"); EmmaX.Traits.append("poly kitty"); EmmaX.Traits.append("poly emma"); EmmaX.Traits.append("poly laura"); EmmaX.Traits.append("poly emma"); EmmaX.Traits.append("poly storm"); EmmaX.Traits.append("poly jubes"); EmmaX.Traits.append("poly gwen"); EmmaX.Traits.append("poly betsy"); EmmaX.Traits.append("poly doreen"); EmmaX.Traits.append("chill"); EmmaX.History.append("met"); EmmaX.History.append("sir"); EmmaX.History.append("master"); EmmaX.History.append("sexfriend"); EmmaX.History.append("bottomless"); EmmaX.History.append("topless"); EmmaX.History.append("poly rogue"); EmmaX.History.append("poly kitty"); EmmaX.History.append("poly emma"); EmmaX.History.append("poly laura"); EmmaX.History.append("poly emma"); EmmaX.History.append("poly storm"); EmmaX.History.append("poly jubes"); EmmaX.History.append("poly gwen"); EmmaX.History.append("poly betsy"); EmmaX.History.append("poly doreen"); EmmaX.History.append("detention"); EmmaX.History.append("classcaught"); EmmaX.History.append("three"); EmmaX.History.append("taboo"); Player.Traits.append"Psi"; renpy.free_memory();


Day=15; LauraX.Anal=1000; LauraX.Action=10; LauraX.Blow=1000; LauraX.Foot=1000; LauraX.Hand=1000; LauraX.Inbt=1000; LauraX.LikeRogue=1000; LauraX.LikeKitty=1000; LauraX.LikeEmma=1000; LauraX.LikeLaura=1000; LauraX.LikeEmma=1000; LauraX.LikeStorm=1000; LauraX.LikeJubes=1000; LauraX.LikeGwen=1000; LauraX.LikeBetsy=1000; LauraX.LikeDoreen=1000; LauraX.Loose=1000; LauraX.Love=1000; LauraX.Lvl=20; LauraX.MaxAction=10; LauraX.Obed=1000; LauraX.SEXP=1000; LauraX.StatPoints=20; LauraX.Taboo=0; LauraX.Thirst=0; LauraX.Addict=0; LauraX.Tit=1000; LauraX.Vaginal=1000; Keys.append(LauraX); LauraX.Traits.append("exhibitionist"); LauraX.Traits.append("follow"); LauraX.Traits.append("vocal"); LauraX.Traits.append("poly rogue"); LauraX.Traits.append("poly kitty"); LauraX.Traits.append("poly emma"); LauraX.Traits.append("poly laura"); LauraX.Traits.append("poly emma"); LauraX.Traits.append("poly storm"); LauraX.Traits.append("poly jubes"); LauraX.Traits.append("poly gwen"); LauraX.Traits.append("poly betsy"); LauraX.Traits.append("poly doreen"); LauraX.Traits.append("chill"); LauraX.History.append("met"); LauraX.History.append("sir"); LauraX.History.append("master"); LauraX.History.append("sexfriend"); LauraX.History.append("bottomless"); LauraX.History.append("topless"); LauraX.History.append("poly rogue"); LauraX.History.append("poly kitty"); LauraX.History.append("poly emma"); LauraX.History.append("poly laura"); LauraX.History.append("poly emma"); LauraX.History.append("poly storm"); LauraX.History.append("poly jubes"); LauraX.History.append("poly gwen"); LauraX.History.append("poly betsy"); LauraX.History.append("poly doreen"); LauraX.History.append("dress3"); renpy.free_memory();


Day=15; JeanX.Anal=1000; JeanX.Action=10; JeanX.Blow=1000; JeanX.Foot=1000; JeanX.Hand=1000; JeanX.Inbt=1000; JeanX.LikeRogue=1000; JeanX.LikeKitty=1000; JeanX.LikeEmma=1000; JeanX.LikeLaura=1000; JeanX.LikeEmma=1000; JeanX.LikeStorm=1000; JeanX.LikeJubes=1000; JeanX.LikeGwen=1000; JeanX.LikeBetsy=1000; JeanX.LikeDoreen=1000; JeanX.Loose=1000; JeanX.Love=1000; JeanX.Lvl=20; JeanX.MaxAction=10; JeanX.Obed=1000; JeanX.SEXP=1000; JeanX.StatPoints=20; JeanX.Taboo=0; JeanX.Thirst=0; JeanX.Addict=0; JeanX.Tit=1000; JeanX.Vaginal=1000; Keys.append(JeanX); JeanX.Traits.append("exhibitionist"); JeanX.Traits.append("follow"); JeanX.Traits.append("vocal"); JeanX.Traits.append("poly rogue"); JeanX.Traits.append("poly kitty"); JeanX.Traits.append("poly emma"); JeanX.Traits.append("poly laura"); JeanX.Traits.append("poly emma"); JeanX.Traits.append("poly storm"); JeanX.Traits.append("poly jubes"); JeanX.Traits.append("poly gwen"); JeanX.Traits.append("poly betsy"); JeanX.Traits.append("poly doreen"); JeanX.Traits.append("chill"); JeanX.History.append("met"); JeanX.History.append("sir"); JeanX.History.append("master"); JeanX.History.append("sexfriend"); JeanX.History.append("bottomless"); JeanX.History.append("topless"); JeanX.History.append("poly rogue"); JeanX.History.append("poly kitty"); JeanX.History.append("poly emma"); JeanX.History.append("poly laura"); JeanX.History.append("poly emma"); JeanX.History.append("poly storm"); JeanX.History.append("poly jubes"); JeanX.History.append("poly gwen"); JeanX.History.append("poly betsy"); JeanX.History.append("poly doreen"); JeanX.History.append("psysex"); Player.Traits.append"Alpha"; renpy.free_memory();


Day=15; StormX.Anal=1000; StormX.Action=10; StormX.Blow=1000; StormX.Foot=1000; StormX.Hand=1000; StormX.Inbt=1000; StormX.LikeRogue=1000; StormX.LikeKitty=1000; StormX.LikeEmma=1000; StormX.LikeLaura=1000; StormX.LikeEmma=1000; StormX.LikeStorm=1000; StormX.LikeJubes=1000; StormX.LikeGwen=1000; StormX.LikeBetsy=1000; StormX.LikeDoreen=1000; StormX.Loose=1000; StormX.Love=1000; StormX.Lvl=20; StormX.MaxAction=10; StormX.Obed=1000; StormX.SEXP=1000; StormX.StatPoints=20; StormX.Taboo=0; StormX.Thirst=0; StormX.Addict=0; StormX.Tit=1000; StormX.Vaginal=1000; Keys.append(StormX); StormX.Traits.append("exhibitionist"); StormX.Traits.append("follow"); StormX.Traits.append("vocal"); StormX.Traits.append("poly rogue"); StormX.Traits.append("poly kitty"); StormX.Traits.append("poly emma"); StormX.Traits.append("poly laura"); StormX.Traits.append("poly emma"); StormX.Traits.append("poly storm"); StormX.Traits.append("poly jubes"); StormX.Traits.append("poly gwen"); StormX.Traits.append("poly betsy"); StormX.Traits.append("poly doreen"); StormX.Traits.append("chill"); StormX.Traits.append("Sneakthief"); StormX.History.append("met"); StormX.History.append("sir"); StormX.History.append("master"); StormX.History.append("sexfriend"); StormX.History.append("bottomless"); StormX.History.append("topless"); StormX.History.append("poly rogue"); StormX.History.append("poly kitty"); StormX.History.append("poly emma"); StormX.History.append("poly laura"); StormX.History.append("poly emma"); StormX.History.append("poly storm"); StormX.History.append("poly jubes"); StormX.History.append("poly gwen"); StormX.History.append("poly betsy"); StormX.History.append("poly doreen"); StormX.History.append("sneakthief"); StormX.History.append("mohawk"); Player.Traits.append"Rho"; renpy.free_memory();


Day=15; JubesX.Anal=1000; JubesX.Action=10; JubesX.Blow=1000; JubesX.Foot=1000; JubesX.Hand=1000; JubesX.Inbt=1000; JubesX.LikeRogue=1000; JubesX.LikeKitty=1000; JubesX.LikeEmma=1000; JubesX.LikeLaura=1000; JubesX.LikeEmma=1000; JubesX.LikeStorm=1000; JubesX.LikeJubes=1000; JubesX.LikeGwen=1000; JubesX.LikeBetsy=1000; JubesX.LikeDoreen=1000; JubesX.Loose=1000; JubesX.Love=1000; JubesX.Lvl=20; JubesX.MaxAction=10; JubesX.Obed=1000; JubesX.SEXP=1000; JubesX.StatPoints=20; JubesX.Taboo=0; JubesX.Thirst=0; JubesX.Addict=0; JubesX.Tit=1000; JubesX.Vaginal=1000; Keys.append(JubesX); JubesX.Traits.append("exhibitionist"); JubesX.Traits.append("follow"); JubesX.Traits.append("vocal"); JubesX.Traits.append("poly rogue"); JubesX.Traits.append("poly kitty"); JubesX.Traits.append("poly emma"); JubesX.Traits.append("poly laura"); JubesX.Traits.append("poly emma"); JubesX.Traits.append("poly storm"); JubesX.Traits.append("poly jubes"); JubesX.Traits.append("poly gwen"); JubesX.Traits.append("poly betsy"); JubesX.Traits.append("poly doreen"); JubesX.Traits.append("chill"); JubesX.History.append("met"); JubesX.History.append("sir"); JubesX.History.append("master"); JubesX.History.append("sexfriend"); JubesX.History.append("bottomless"); JubesX.History.append("topless"); JubesX.History.append("poly rogue"); JubesX.History.append("poly kitty"); JubesX.History.append("poly emma"); JubesX.History.append("poly laura"); JubesX.History.append("poly emma"); JubesX.History.append("poly storm"); JubesX.History.append("poly jubes"); JubesX.History.append("poly gwen"); JubesX.History.append("poly betsy"); JubesX.History.append("poly doreen"); JubesX.History.append("sunshine"); renpy.free_memory();


Day=15; GwenX.Anal=1000; GwenX.Action=10; GwenX.Blow=1000; GwenX.Foot=1000; GwenX.Hand=1000; GwenX.Inbt=1000; GwenX.LikeRogue=1000; GwenX.LikeKitty=1000; GwenX.LikeEmma=1000; GwenX.LikeLaura=1000; GwenX.LikeEmma=1000; GwenX.LikeStorm=1000; GwenX.LikeJubes=1000; GwenX.LikeGwen=1000; GwenX.LikeBetsy=1000; GwenX.LikeDoreen=1000; GwenX.Loose=1000; GwenX.Love=1000; GwenX.Lvl=20; GwenX.MaxAction=10; GwenX.Obed=1000; GwenX.SEXP=1000; GwenX.StatPoints=20; GwenX.Taboo=0; GwenX.Thirst=0; GwenX.Addict=0; GwenX.Tit=1000; GwenX.Vaginal=1000; Keys.append(GwenX); GwenX.Traits.append("exhibitionist"); GwenX.Traits.append("follow"); GwenX.Traits.append("vocal"); GwenX.Traits.append("poly rogue"); GwenX.Traits.append("poly kitty"); GwenX.Traits.append("poly emma"); GwenX.Traits.append("poly laura"); GwenX.Traits.append("poly emma"); GwenX.Traits.append("poly storm"); GwenX.Traits.append("poly jubes"); GwenX.Traits.append("poly gwen"); GwenX.Traits.append("poly betsy"); GwenX.Traits.append("poly doreen"); GwenX.Traits.append("chill"); GwenX.History.append("met"); GwenX.History.append("sir"); GwenX.History.append("master"); GwenX.History.append("sexfriend"); GwenX.History.append("bottomless"); GwenX.History.append("topless"); GwenX.History.append("poly rogue"); GwenX.History.append("poly kitty"); GwenX.History.append("poly emma"); GwenX.History.append("poly laura"); GwenX.History.append("poly emma"); GwenX.History.append("poly storm"); GwenX.History.append("poly jubes"); GwenX.History.append("poly gwen"); GwenX.History.append("poly betsy"); GwenX.History.append("poly doreen"); GwenX.History.remove("Rogue"); GwenX.History.remove("Kitty"); GwenX.History.remove("Emma"); GwenX.History.remove("Laura"); GwenX.History.remove("Emma"); GwenX.History.remove("Storm"); GwenX.History.remove("Jubes"); GwenX.History.remove("Gwen"); GwenX.History.remove("Betsy"); GwenX.History.remove("Doreen"); Player.Traits.append"Gamma"; renpy.free_memory();


Day=15; BetsyX.Anal=1000; BetsyX.Action=10; BetsyX.Blow=1000; BetsyX.Foot=1000; BetsyX.Hand=1000; BetsyX.Inbt=1000; BetsyX.LikeRogue=1000; BetsyX.LikeKitty=1000; BetsyX.LikeEmma=1000; BetsyX.LikeLaura=1000; BetsyX.LikeEmma=1000; BetsyX.LikeStorm=1000; BetsyX.LikeJubes=1000; BetsyX.LikeGwen=1000; BetsyX.LikeBetsy=1000; BetsyX.LikeDoreen=1000; BetsyX.Loose=1000; BetsyX.Love=1000; BetsyX.Lvl=20; BetsyX.MaxAction=10; BetsyX.Obed=1000; BetsyX.SEXP=1000; BetsyX.StatPoints=20; BetsyX.Taboo=0; BetsyX.Thirst=0; BetsyX.Addict=0; BetsyX.Tit=1000; BetsyX.Vaginal=1000; Keys.append(BetsyX); BetsyX.Traits.append("exhibitionist"); BetsyX.Traits.append("follow"); BetsyX.Traits.append("vocal"); BetsyX.Traits.append("poly rogue"); BetsyX.Traits.append("poly kitty"); BetsyX.Traits.append("poly emma"); BetsyX.Traits.append("poly laura"); BetsyX.Traits.append("poly emma"); BetsyX.Traits.append("poly storm"); BetsyX.Traits.append("poly jubes"); BetsyX.Traits.append("poly gwen"); BetsyX.Traits.append("poly betsy"); BetsyX.Traits.append("poly doreen"); BetsyX.Traits.append("chill"); BetsyX.History.append("met"); BetsyX.History.append("sir"); BetsyX.History.append("master"); BetsyX.History.append("sexfriend"); BetsyX.History.append("bottomless"); BetsyX.History.append("topless"); BetsyX.History.append("poly rogue"); BetsyX.History.append("poly kitty"); BetsyX.History.append("poly emma"); BetsyX.History.append("poly laura"); BetsyX.History.append("poly emma"); BetsyX.History.append("poly storm"); BetsyX.History.append("poly jubes"); BetsyX.History.append("poly gwen"); BetsyX.History.append("poly betsy"); BetsyX.History.append("poly doreen"); Player.Traits.append"Beta"; renpy.free_memory();

Squirrel Girl:

Day=15; DoreenX.Anal=1000; DoreenX.Action=10; DoreenX.Blow=1000; DoreenX.Foot=1000; DoreenX.Hand=1000; DoreenX.Inbt=1000; DoreenX.LikeRogue=1000; DoreenX.LikeKitty=1000; DoreenX.LikeEmma=1000; DoreenX.LikeLaura=1000; DoreenX.LikeEmma=1000; DoreenX.LikeStorm=1000; DoreenX.LikeJubes=1000; DoreenX.LikeGwen=1000; DoreenX.LikeBetsy=1000; DoreenX.LikeDoreen=1000; DoreenX.Loose=1000; DoreenX.Love=1000; DoreenX.Lvl=20; DoreenX.MaxAction=10; DoreenX.Obed=1000; DoreenX.SEXP=1000; DoreenX.StatPoints=20; DoreenX.Taboo=0; DoreenX.Thirst=0; DoreenX.Addict=0; DoreenX.Tit=1000; DoreenX.Vaginal=1000; Keys.append(DoreenX); DoreenX.Traits.append("exhibitionist"); DoreenX.Traits.append("follow"); DoreenX.Traits.append("vocal"); DoreenX.Traits.append("poly rogue"); DoreenX.Traits.append("poly kitty"); DoreenX.Traits.append("poly emma"); DoreenX.Traits.append("poly laura"); DoreenX.Traits.append("poly emma"); DoreenX.Traits.append("poly storm"); DoreenX.Traits.append("poly jubes"); DoreenX.Traits.append("poly gwen"); DoreenX.Traits.append("poly betsy"); DoreenX.Traits.append("poly doreen"); DoreenX.Traits.append("chill"); DoreenX.History.append("met"); DoreenX.History.append("sir"); DoreenX.History.append("master"); DoreenX.History.append("sexfriend"); DoreenX.History.append("bottomless"); DoreenX.History.append("topless"); DoreenX.History.append("poly rogue"); DoreenX.History.append("poly kitty"); DoreenX.History.append("poly emma"); DoreenX.History.append("poly laura"); DoreenX.History.append("poly emma"); DoreenX.History.append("poly storm"); DoreenX.History.append("poly jubes"); DoreenX.History.append("poly gwen"); DoreenX.History.append("poly betsy"); DoreenX.History.append("poly doreen"); renpy.free_memory();


Uncompress the folder to the game folder
Have Rogue like evolution opened
Have the girl unlocked in-game
Have the console command open
Right-click the file -> Execute with PowerShell
Press the number to adjust the character of your choice
Press enter key

Just a little cheat-screen for Rogue-Like, every bar is draggable to change opinions / stats, also the money text is clickable for adding $1000 and the level texts to increase the level by 1. Finally, an extra status bar at the bottom of screen will be visible when she’s angry (with button to clear anger) and info when she’s down to get dirty. Also give some feedback on Jeans ‘whammy’ capabilities. Should work for any version higher than .991 but tested with .994/.995/.996/.997/.998/.999/1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5

2024-06-26: Added click on clock-face resets time left in day slot.
2024-04-13: Make compatible with new characters (should work for all future characters)
2023-03-16: Added GwenX still backward compatible with earlier versions and with PrimeMod v4/v5/Galvatron
2023-02-08: Added change transparency of MC penis by clicking on the big dick in the bottom left of the screen.
2022-06-20: Make cheat-screen compatible with PrimeMod v4/v5 – works also without PrimeMod.
2022-06-15: Added JubesX and make sure it is still compatible with versions without Jubilee
2022-03-27: Check if attribute LikeS<girl> is available when “Jeaned”
2021-10-22: Added simplified search of Xavier’s office, basically every search will be successful if you brought the right girl.
Installation: right click “save link as” then save in ‘game’ folder.
Fixed: leveling girls not adding points to spent in leveling menu thanks Dboss for pointing that out.


General Mod Features

The main focus of this mod is giving the girl (and Zero) functional super powers.


After having (vaginal) sex with Rogue 3 seperate times you’ll begin to unlock your powers, and Prof X will call you to his study for a (very) basic explaination.

From there you’ll begin to “steal” powers from girls. MOST OF THESE STOLEN POWERS ARE ACCESSED IN YOUR LEVELING MENU

Rogue: addiction control – unlocks a menu to raise & lower the power of your addictive touch

Kitty: Hack the school tower – unlocks tracking of every girls stats and locations – have sex with Kitty 3 times to unlock this ability in your leveling menu

Emma: Cumslut training – unlocks the ability to turn girls into cumsluts – you must unlock the training ability in your leveling menu, then cum in your target girl 10 times, then unlock the cumslut trait in her leveling menu – after you’ve made a girl orgasm twice during a session, she will orgasm when you do for the rest of that session – have sex with Emma 3 times to unlock the ability in your leveling menu

Laura: Painslut training – unlocks the ability to turn girls into painsluts – you must unlock the training ability in your leveling menu, then slap your target girl 15 times, then unlock the painslut trait in her leveling menu – slapping a painslut will raise her lust to match yours – have sex with Laura 3 times to unlock the ability in your leveling menu

Jean – Higher learning – Every night each girl’s XP will be raised to the level of the girl with the highest XP – have sex with Jean 3 times to unlock the ability in your leveling menu

Storm – Cryogenic semen – any remaining semen points you have at the end of the day are put in a fridge for use during addiction fix scenes, additionally you regenerate 2 semen points per time period rather than 1 – have sex with Storm 3 times to unlock the ability in your leveling menu

Jubilee – Sexual Vampism – steal an action point from a girl to increase your semen points by 1, also steal 15 XP from her. Fires every 4th time the girl orgasms. Lick Jubilee’s pussy to orgasm 3 times to unlock the ability

Gwen – New Game Plus – Restart from day 1 with your inventory and abilites intact. Gwen can be excluded from the reset. – have sex with Gwen 3 times to unlock the ability, Gwen will follow up with a scene to initiate it. If you decide not to initiate the reset, you can follow up with her any time by talking to her


Changes the order of some menu items to make the game more playable on smaller screens
Some flirt options will not be available for some girls in order for the whole menu to fit on screeen


During massages the perfect choice will be highlighted in pink on the menu


Girls will not ask to be your girlfriend until after the “Daddy” petname has been unlocked


You touch is now only addictive to Jubilee – VERY HARD MODE


As girls get sluttier they start wearing sluttier underwear, eventually no underwear at all. The downside is that you’ll be limited in the amount of panties you can sell online


Girls will recieve less XP when using the danger room, instead that missing XP is used to level up the danger room. As the danger room levels up every girl gets more action points. This reduces the need to level up each girl’s stamina individually.


When a girl becomes your girlfriend, she lowers her opinion of the other girls who are not already your girlfriend. This is meant to make it an actual challenge to form a harem.


All clothing has been moved to the mall for simplicity’s sake. To compensate, the mall opens on day 7 whether you’ve met Jubilee or not.


Every girl (except Rogue) can be met in any order, and you’ll never be forced to meet any girl you don’t want to.


There are too many other small changes to list. If you want more info check out the changelog.


Do you add assets to the game, or just code?
Just code
Will you ever do anything else with the clothing system?
Are you willing to steal or otherwise implement assets from other mods?
Am I a moron for posting a repeatedly posted question without using the search function?


1.Download and extract.

optional titleimage:
right-click the titleimage.jpg file below and choose “save as” to download it
delete the leading numbers and underscore from the filename, it must be “titleimage.jpg” when your’re done
copy the jpg file into the “images” folder of your install of the base game (\Rogue-Like-win\game\images)
you might have to create this folder



mod version Holtz for game version 1.1d:
right-click the Prime_mod_1.1_Holtz.rpyc and options.rpyc files below and choose “save as” to download them

copy the rpyc files into the “game” folder of your install of the base game (\Rogue-Like-win\game)

right-click the Prime_mod_1.1_Holtz.rpyc and options.rpyc files below and choose “save as” to download them

Make a folder named “game” -> Copy the rpyc files (the mod) into this “game” folder -> Right-click your “Rogue-Like:Evolution” app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents” then “Resources” folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the “game” folder you created (the mod) to the games “autorun” folder -> Click merge


Install the same way as other sideloaded apps.
Occasionally mobile Chrome will change the extension of the download to “.jar”, you can just change it back to “.apk” and it should install fine.

This mod is NOT a cheat mod, I have no intention of making it a cheat mod, and cheat mods will interfere with most content added by this mod, if you want to cheat at the game install a different mod.

Editor's Rating

Story 75%
Visual 82%
Engagement 87%
Core Loop 75%

This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.

Out Of 100%
0 %

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I'm the enigmatic mind behind the sensual narratives on DikGames.Info. A passionate storyteller, Juliana crafts worlds where desire and fantasy intertwine. With a penchant for exploring the boundaries of intimacy, her creations invite you to embark on thrilling journeys within the realm of adult gaming. Reach Me At: