Red Brim Adult Dating-Sim Graphic Novel Game Latest Version Free Download For Windows PC, Mac, Linux and Android

Red Brim [v0.22] By Euphoria Studios

Download For Windows / Linux

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Download For Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Incest Patch

((Edit 02/01/25 – Updated to v1.0.4 as I accidentally included an old global_variables.rpy file which resulted in an error. Realized the modified file is actually no longer necessary since the dev fixed their own bugs that were causing crashes in previous version. Yay))

((Edit: Updated to v1.0.3 there was no new taboo content in v0.21A, however because this patch relies on file replacement the quest.rpy still needed updated to prevent potential errors.))

To install simply extract the files into the “game” subfolder of “RedBrim-0.21.0_alpha” keeping directory structure in tact and overwriting the original files. Then make sure the language on the “Preferences” menu of the game is set to use “Custom” for the language.

Please Note: Just like with the Project Atmosphere mod, this is now a pure fan dialogue mod of the game, and not in any way supported by the dev unlike the original now deleted i-patch. So cross your fingers the dev doesn’t do anything plot wise that f’s it up too bad…

What it Does:
– Change Lora and Bea into your bio mom and sister respectively.
– Improves upon original i-patch dialogue to better fit and expands to include all the new content.
– Character now acknowledge that Zoe and Emma are twin sisters and not just co-workers who randomly look alike.
– Corrects wrong gender pronouns for Randy. (Randy didn’t actually come out as trans and I missed it right?)
– Fixes bugs such as hardcoded Simon instead of [protagonist], and the error when trying to view Eve’s bio.
– Improved English for some of the worst Engrish lines, fixed various spelling errors, etc.
– Minor tweaks to other shit that annoyed me like Agatha knowing what college class schedule to give the MC when he didn’t even give his name.

Editor's Rating

Story 82%
Visual 88%
Engagement 84%
Core Loop 80%

This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.

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