Midnight Sin Tempting Adult Game Free Download For Window PC

Midnight Sin [v0.5.3] By Faerin

Important: To keep your old saves you need to copy the saves folder from your old game path to the new one.

Download For Windows PC

Download Incest Patch, Walkthrough & Cheat Mod

Hi everyone! Made some changes to original Assembly-CSharp to automatically multiply gained MC stats and money (not affection/love)

The mod is not supported by devs!

Before installing make sure:
1. You have copied your original file from gamefolder/Midnight Sin_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
2. You have saved in game, before modifying your Assembly-CSharp file.

If something goes wrong – just rewrite the file with the original one and restart the game from the savepoint of warning #2.
Made for version 0.5.3


  • Multiplying stats of MC (gym/pool/box)
  • Multiplying received money
  • Multiplying bonus points and money from fights
  • A fight can’t be lost


You need to extract file from archive attached to this message, then place it in “gamefolder/Midnight Sin_Data/Managed” and rewrite if saved original file from here.
No need to start new game after applying this file.

After installing – you won’t see any cheat meny or buttons for manual usage of this mod.
It’s only multiplying what you receive after actions.

Download Extra Key & Extra Crack


  • Turns standard version into “Extra” version without need of a key
  • Should work with upcoming versions


  • Unpack into game folder (where .exe file is located)
  • Run the game.

Note: You do not need this patch if you already have Extra key for current version. I just drop it here in case you don’t have access to the newest key

Frequently Asked Questions

The saves are in saves folder, in the game path

You have to copy saves folder from your old game path to the new one.

You can find your game logs into this path: %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Faerin Games\Midnight Sin
Once you have found Player.log file, please zip it and upload it here with the description of your problem. Please don’t copy its file content and upload it here, because it is unreadble.

As a workaround you can try this solution. Open the game once so it will generare some game files then close it. Go to the game path, then in saves folder, then edit the file settings.ini with notepad and change those values:
“Fullscreen”: from true to false
“Resolution”: from “2560 x 1440” to “what resolution you want, remember to use a standard one” also remember that is written width space x space height

The extra version has more videos or images during events for now.

You have to do three steps:

  1. Go to the hallway at 15:00, then click on the arrow to go inside Annabelle’s room. However Kate will show up and kick you out.
  2. The hint will change in “A housekeeping emergency would probably get Kate to leave Annabelle’s room” and MC has to create this housekeeping emergency.
  3. Go to bathroom on the 1st floor and click on the toilet roll, then click on Inventory icon, on the bottom right corner, select the toilet roll then select the toilet.
    In this way you have clogged the toilet and MC will go to Kate to warn her about the problem and you can go in Annabelle’s room to find how is called her avatar’s name in Hentai Impact.

Every gameplay has a different code, so you have to find your own because is random.

Orange = 1
Yellow = 2
Light Blue = 3
Green = 4
Purple = 5
Red = 6
Dark Blue = 7

For increasing MC’s stats you have to follow those steps:

  1. Receive the payment next day (if you have just started the game you will receive it on Tuesday at 16:00, otherwise if you have already started the game you will receive it next day same hour)
  2. Pay Ruslan, so after the dialog you will unlock the mall (where you can buy outfits and accessories) and its garage
  3. Go to the mall parking place any days at 22:00 to do the fights and win, so Ruslan will give you some money
  4. When you have enough money, you have to buy:
    • the men’s workout outfit for weight lifting or hit the heavy bag
    • for hit the heavy bag you need also the boxing gloves
    • buy swimming trunks for swim

Each activity will increase one of your stats and it can be done once a day:

  • Power: this stat will make you stronger so, when you do fights, you will do a basic higher damage the higher is the stat.
    When you do weight lifting, you will increase the Power stat by 5 points.
  • Skill: this stat will make you more reactive during fights, the mini-game will go slower and easier the higher is the stat.
    When you hit the heavy bag, you will increase the Skill stat by 5 points.
  • Endurance: this stat will add more hit points when you do fights, the higher is the stat the higher are your hit points.
    When you swim, you will increase the Endurance stat by 5 points.

Also there are some more accessory that will help you to increase your stats faster:

  • Protein: will increase Power stat by 5 addtional points when you weight lifting.
  • Jump rope: will increase Skill stat by 5 addtional points when you hit the heavy bag.
  • Swim googles: will increase Endurance stat by 5 addtional points when you swim.
  • Mounthguard: will increase your HP by 50 points

Editor's Rating

Story 77%
Visual 81%
Engagement 75%
Core Loop 80%

This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.

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I'm the enigmatic mind behind the sensual narratives on DikGames.Info. A passionate storyteller, Juliana crafts worlds where desire and fantasy intertwine. With a penchant for exploring the boundaries of intimacy, her creations invite you to embark on thrilling journeys within the realm of adult gaming. Reach Me At: juliana@dikgames.info