Jikage Rising Adult Domination & Bondage Game Free Download Updated Version For Windows, Mac, Linux and Android

Jikage Rising [v2.20b Arc 3] By SMILING DOG

Download For Windows / Linux - Arc 1

Download For Windows / Linux - Arc 2

Download For Windows / Linux - Arc 3

Download For Mac - Arc 1

Download For Mac - Arc 2

Download For Mac - Arc 3

Download For Android - Arc 1

Download For Android - Arc 2

Download For Android - Arc 3

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Walkthrough, Cheats, Multi-Feature Mod & Possession Mod


Added a bunch of things, so right now it has a Chris Hansen Jutsu mod (you’ll have to find him), a money cheat mod, arc1 scene flashbacks for arc 2, a roleplaymod for ino (not sure if I’ll expand on that, probably not), but it’s mainly the chris hansen mod


Just Copy and Paste into the games files, it should merge and be playable

Okay considering the lack of content in Act 2 as of right now, I’ve made a slight alteration to the script that uses the Transformation gimmick to allow replaying scenes from Act 1 at night. Don’t apply this patch until you’ve completed Act 1 and made at least 1 save in Act 2. Just place the extracted scripts folder inside the game folder, and delete the scripts.rpa already in the game folder

Disclaimer: Make a save before you apply this mod. Experimental code prone to bugs. Use at your own risk. This only works for v1.06a

Download Possesion Mod


Hair Color Changes
Ability to possess the girls and use them to corrupt each other at Ino 5
Lots of new Dialog
Reworked Scenes
Ability to train the girls bodies


Just Copy and Paste into the games files, it should merge and be playable.

Download Card Game Crash Fix

Frequently Asked Questions

No, specific instructions were given to the artist to have the art as close to the original source as possible!

Chances are if she’s a somewhat prominent character, she will be in the game haha.

Well, technically that’s not a question, but still; they will have their Shippuden versions, I’m planning to have the game to span the game into four arcs with each dealing with a different era.
Arc 1 would be done in the shounen era
Arc 2 will be done in the Shippuden era
Arc 3 will be done in “The last” or Shippuden era, whichever fits the story more.
Arc 4 will be done in the Boruto era

Well, getting more funds to get more resources would definitely help haha. However, other than that you can help out by letting me know about any bugs, spelling or grammar mistakes you find in the game!
It would also help the game if more people were aware that it existed, even by just recommending the game (if you think it’s good enough) would help out the game a lot!

The game will be split into 4 arcs, with each arc being a different era and each having a different objective that you would need to complete to move one step closer to your goal of reviving your clan.

Arc 1:
This arc will take place in the shounen era of Naruto, in this arc, you will need to turn Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Hinata into your followers before finally taking Tsunade on for control of the village.

Arc 2:
Maybe the most anticipated arc of all, this arc will take place in the Shippuden Era, where after controlling the key Kunoichi of the village, you set your sights on targets from other villages.

Arc 3 and Arc 4 will be revealed at a later date to avoid spoilers.

Arc 1
You will need to gain complete control over Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Hinata. You will need to gain their trust to find openings to use the jutsu on them and turn them into your loyal thralls. You will then use their abilities and connections to ultimately control Tsunade and use her power to further your agenda.

Arc 2
It has been a few years after you made Tsunade your loyal servant, you have improved upon your technique and now look towards gaining the support of other villages to start your own. This time, your targets will be the various girls from the other villages…

Arc 3
Will be disclosed in the future

Editor's Rating

Story 85%
Visual 80%
Engagement 83%
Core Loop 79%

This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.

Out Of 100%
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I'm the enigmatic mind behind the sensual narratives on DikGames.Info. A passionate storyteller, Juliana crafts worlds where desire and fantasy intertwine. With a penchant for exploring the boundaries of intimacy, her creations invite you to embark on thrilling journeys within the realm of adult gaming. Reach Me At: juliana@dikgames.info