How To Enable Console In RENPY Games?

1. First you’ll want to find the folder named “renpy”, this should be in the first page after opening up your game. 


2. You’ll want to open this folder and double click the folder named “common”.


3. Next you’ll want to find a file named “00console”, we’re looking for the one that is .rpy, not .rpyc.
After finding 00console.rpy you’ll want to right click and choose the option “Open with” and select notepad.


4. Once opened you’ll want to hit “Ctrl + F” to opening up the search bar and you’ll being searching for False, refer to image if confusing.


5. You’re looking for the part that highlights this False


6. You’ll then change the line “config.console = False ” to config.console = True, refer to image if confusing


7. Finally, look to the top right of notepad, select File, and then save.


8. Start up your game and load file and hit “Shift + O” and this should bring up the console command prompt. From here you’ll be able to use any commands that were listed in your choice of game forums.

I'm the enigmatic mind behind the sensual narratives on DikGames.Info. A passionate storyteller, Juliana crafts worlds where desire and fantasy intertwine. With a penchant for exploring the boundaries of intimacy, her creations invite you to embark on thrilling journeys within the realm of adult gaming. Reach Me At: