Four Elements Trainer Adult Parody Game Free Download FOr Windows Pc, Mac, Linux and Android

Four Elements Trainer [v1.1.3f] By Mity

Download For Windows / Linux

Download For Windows / Linux - v1.0.2b

Download For Mac OS

Download For Mac OS - v1.0.2b

Download For Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot


Either you modify your 00console.rpy with note, which you can find at FourElementsTrainer\renpy\common\, open it and search for “config.console = False” and change it into “config.console = True”
or u use UnRen: [Ren’Py] – UnRen.bat v0.7 – RPA Extractor, RPYC Decompiler, Console/Developer Menu Enabler
In-game, press “shift and o” to open the console.

Book 1:

  • katara_aff =
  • kpubwalk =
  • krespect =
  • money = {Money you want to add}
  • potions =
  • Waterbending =

Book 2:

  • total_girls =
  • used_girls =
  • fmoney = {Money you want to add}
  • food =
  • morality =
  • aslut =
  • apublic =
  • azula_aff =
  • mai_aff =
  • potions =
  • crab_potions =

Book 3:

  • .bk3_lifepotions =
  • store.bk3_manapotions =
  • toph_aff =
  • emoney = {Money you want to add}
  • obsidian = 100
  • bk3_wood = 100
  • bk3_steel = 100
  • bk3_player_life = 1000
  • bk3_accuracy = 100
  • bk3_evade = 100
  • renpy.call_in_new_context (“meangirls_reward”) [restart the event for the reward scene]

Affects your level and stats in the tunnel)

  • bk3_level = 20 (I don’t recommend going any higher because lvl 20 is the highest)
  • bk3_hp = 1000


  • crab1_hp = 10000
  • enemy_crab1_hp = 1
  • enemy_crab2_hp = 1
  • enemy_crab_hp = 1
  • crab1_move2 = True
  • crab1_move3 = True
  • crab1_move4 = True
  • crab1_acc = 100
  • crab1_att = 100 (For other crabs, replace crab1 with crab2, crab3, etc.)
  • crab1_def = 100
  • crab1_level = 99 (max lvl)

Book 4:

  • bk4_money =
  • korra_resist =
  • korra_moral =


Only on Book 2 Love Route if you choose to stay with Azula. This scene happens in the ending of Book 2.
Before choosing the ending, have sex with Azula and cum inside her.

If you can access the console you can just change the state of the variable.
> azula_preg = {True/False}

Only on Book 2 Love Route if you choose to escape with Mai. This scene happens in the ending of Book 2.
The night before you propose to her, fuck her and impregnate her.

If you can access the console you can just change the state of the variable.
> mai_preg = {True/False}

Joo Dee
Only on Book 3 Slave Route
After finishing her training, visit her, then have sex with her and cum inside her.

If you can access the console you can just change the state of the variable.
> joodee_insem = {True/False}

Only on Book 3 Love Route. This scene happens during the ending of Book 3.
During your date, while having sex she’ll keep mentioning it’s not a safe day. Cum inside her and she’ll be impregnated.
If you didn’t do it during the date, you can impregnate her again when you visit her and choose the ‘Fingering’ interaction.

If you can access the console you can just change the state of the variable.
> katara_cum_inside = {True/False}

Only on Book 3 Love Route. This scene happens during the ending of Book 3.
This one is more complicated than the rest so bear with me.

Your decision in this scene will dictate if Toph will get pregnant or not. And this choice will be permanent.

  1. In the scene where you stay with Toph for the night and you have a weird dream.
  2. After she wakes up she will ask if you ever want to have kids.
  3. If you say yes straight away she will be pregnant during the ending.

In case you change your mind, use the console to change the state of the variable.
> totf_preg = {True/False}

Walkthrough, Save File & Gallery Mod

Saves from all games (Ren’Py) are stored here: “C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\RenPy” + in the folder of the game itself)

How to Install on Windows

1 – Extract the zip file inside FET folder.

2 – Check inside the folder named “game”, inside FET, if there is a file named “gallery.rpa”, if so it’s all set

 How to Install on Mac
1 – Left click on FET and Select “Show Package Contents”
Item 1.png

2 – Go into : Contents -> Resources -> autorun -> Game

3 – Drop the file “Gallery.rpa” inside it.

4 – Close everything and open the game.

 How to Install the Android Patch
1) Download the “Four Elements Trainer APK”, “Gallery Enabler Android Patch” and any APK Signing Tool

2) Extract Gallery Enabler Android Patch

3) Open “Four Elements Trainer APK” With any Extractor

4) Go into the folder Folder “assets/x-game”

5) Drop the folder “x-mods” inside

6) If your Extractor asks if you want to replace do NOT replace anything just merge folders.

7) Sign the APK with Any Signing Tool (Look on internet how to do so).
This part is up to you, you’re the one that choose to play with Android, don’t blame me.

8) Your apk is updated and ready to use.

Collection List Download:

Book 1
10 tier assets etc 00
10 tier assets etc 01
10 tier assets etc 02
10 tier assets etc 03
10 tier assets etc 04
Book 2
10 tier assets etc 05
10 tier assets etc 06
10 tier assets etc 07
10 tier assets etc 08
10 tier assets etc 09
10 tier assets etc 10
10 tier assets etc 11
10 tier assets etc 12
10 tier assets etc 13
10 tier assets etc 14
10 tier assets etc 15
10 tier assets etc 16
10 tier assets etc 17
10 tier assets etc 18
Book 3
10 tier assets etc 19
10 tier assets etc 20
10 tier assets etc 21
10 tier assets etc 22
10 tier assets etc 23
10 tier assets etc 24
10 tier assets etc 25
10 tier assets etc 26
10 tier assets etc 27
10 tier assets etc 28
10 tier assets etc 29
10 tier assets etc 30s
10 tier assets etc 31
10 tier assets etc 32
10 tier assets etc 33
10 tier assets etc 34
10 tier assets etc 35
10 tier assets etc 36
Book 4
10 tier assets etc 37
10 tier assets etc 38
10 tier assets etc 39
10 tier assets etc 40
10 tier assets etc 41
10 tier assets etc 42 etc
10 tier assets etc 43
10 tier assets etc 44 etc
10 tier assets etc 45
10 tier assets etc 46
10 tier assets etc 47
10 tier assets etc 48
10 tier assets etc 49
10 tier assets etc 50
10 tier assets etc 51
10 tier assets etc 52
10 tier assets etc 53
10 tier assets etc 54
10 tier assets etc 55
10 tier assets etc 56
10 tier assets etc 57
10 tier assets etc 58
10 tier assets etc 59s etc
10 tier assets etc 60
10 tier assets etc 61
10 tier assets etc 62
10 tier assets etc 62xtra
10 tier assets etc 63
10 tier assets etc 64
10 tier assets etc 65
10 tier assets etc 66
After end
10 tier assets etc 67
10 tier assets etc 68
10 tier assets etc 69

10 tier assets etc 70

ArtAssets 18Titans 01
ArtAssets 18Titans 02
ArtAssets 18Titans 03
ArtAssets 18Titans 04

Others: Patreon-only Arts (updated)
Banners Sketches + Deleted Scene
Art asset from Other games worked on
PSD 00-58 + titans 00-02 + omnitrixx

Download 18titans / Omnitrixx / Starfire on Squid

Download Boobybrawl (Game) For Window / Android

Download Art Assets


1- Extract to desired location.
2- Open with desired image software or convert to .cbr for CBR readers

Editor's Rating

Story 81%
Visual 86%
Engagement 90%
Core Loop 90%

This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.

Out Of 100%
0 %

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I'm the enigmatic mind behind the sensual narratives on DikGames.Info. A passionate storyteller, Juliana crafts worlds where desire and fantasy intertwine. With a penchant for exploring the boundaries of intimacy, her creations invite you to embark on thrilling journeys within the realm of adult gaming. Reach Me At: