Embark on a thought-provoking journey in “Finding Cloud 9.” This narrative-driven story challenges the notion of bad circumstances and explores the concept of perspective. The protagonist’s life takes a sudden turn due to a terrible event, leading to both dire consequences and unexpected opportunities.
As players delve into the narrative, they are prompted to question whether there is such a thing as inherently bad circumstances or if it’s a matter of one’s perspective. The story unfolds, revealing the potential for life-changing encounters and the chance to meet incredible people, even in the darkest moments.
“Finding Cloud 9” encourages players to look for opportunities in every situation and challenges them to consider the transformative power of perspective. Are you ready to explore the complexities of life, chance encounters, and the potential for positive change in “Finding Cloud 9“? The game promises a thought-provoking experience that invites players to reflect on the nature of circumstances and the opportunities they may hold.
Installation: Extract, Run and Enjoy!
Developer: Onyx Decadence
Censored: No
Version: 0.5.1
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Male Protagonist, Sandbox, Big Ass, Big Tits, Animated, Romance
- Added 900+ New Renders
- Added 26 new animations
- Added 40 new image-maps
- Added 12 new music
- Added 36 new sounds
- Added quest quick access menu
- Added quest notification sound toggle (Preferences)
- Added ambient sound volume slider (Preferences)
- Added quest quick access toggle (Preferences)
- Added phone notification sound toggle (Preferences)
- Added a skip-time button.
- Added several new dialogue choices
- Finished Character Description Tab
- Finished Gallery Function
- Expanded Free roam with new locations
- Changed UI icons
- Changed Quick To-Do List design
- Changed Journal design.
- Changed Icons in Map view.
- Updated tutorial.
- Changed dialogues in several places (rewritten a bit, changed up words, stylized, cut words, Cleaned up text.)
- Rewrote back-end for several functions (Playing from the beginning is required)
- Fixed Voice SFX
- Fixed back-end for Map.
- Fixed Typos.
- Redesigned Attribute window.
- Deprecated attribute button.
- 1050+ Total New Renders
- 30 New Animations
- 20 New Songs
- 11 New Sound FX
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Editor's Rating
This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.
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