Embark on a captivating adventure in CataclyZm, a world born from the aftermath of a mysterious cataclysmic event merging two different worlds into one. Inhabitants include both Humans and Beasts, humanoid animals known as Furries. Assume the role of Miles, a budding hero and orphan raised at the village church by a busty and voluptuous nun. The vast world of Cataclyzm awaits you, filled with wild beasts, encounters with alluring women, and the need to make challenging decisions.
Key Features:
Mysterious Cataclysmic Event: Explore a world shaped by a mysterious cataclysmic event that has merged two distinct worlds—Humans and Beasts (Furry). Uncover the secrets and challenges born from this cataclysm.
Protagonist’s Origin: Take on the role of Miles, an orphan boy raised at the village church by a busty and voluptuous nun. Discover his origin and destiny as you progress through the game.
Adventure and Destiny: Immerse yourself in a great adventure where destiny and hard decisions await. Battle wild beasts, meet captivating women, and shape the course of your character’s journey.
Regular Updates: The game is a work in progress, with continuous development and updates planned. Your support contributes to the delivery of more content and regular updates to enhance the gaming experience.
Embark on a thrilling journey in CataclyZm, where a mysterious cataclysmic event has merged two worlds into one. Navigate a world filled with Humans and Beasts (Furry), taking on the role of Miles. Battle beasts, encounter alluring women, and shape your destiny in this evolving adventure.
Installation: Extract, Run and Enjoy!
Developer: AmorousDezign
Censored: No
Version: 0.28
Language: English
Genre: 2D Game, 2DCG, Male protagonist, Fantasy, Adventure, Big tits, Milf, Vaginal sex, Anal Sex, Furry, Handjob, Titfuck
– New Features:
- You can now jerk off in bed
- You can now take a bath at the Bath-house
- Some of the MC’s costumes now change his mini sprite appearance (Light Armor, Knight Armor, Paladin Armor, Gold Armor, Gatoraid Armor, Nallaria’s armor)
- Party members with relationship levels now gain +1 relationship points for every night they are in your party.
- Normal fertility potion now has an increased chance of conception.
– New Items:
- Gerardine’s Wedding Photo
– New Locations:
- House #5 – Nallaria’s Hill
– New Characters:
- Sister Gerardine
- Nallari – Deity tier Brothel Girl
- Isilda – Deity tier Brothel Girl (FUTA girl)
– Added Scenes:
- Sister Gerardine’s character bust (+ Dress, Fishnet, Angel Costume and Pregnant variants)
- Sister Gerardine Hug CG (+clothing variants)
- Sister Gerardine Kiss CG (+clothing and pregnant variants)
- Sister Gerardine Anal CG
- Sister Gerardine Sleep/Sex CG
- Sister Gerardine Peeing CG
- Sister Gerardine Ending Portrait
- Gerardine’s Baby CG
- Susan’s Baby CG (New version)
- Liz’s Baby CG
- Lala’s Baby CG
- New Random Girl at the Bathhouse (Check the clients book in the bathhouse) + FUTA variant
- New Random Girl at the Bathhouse (Check the clients book in the bathhouse)
- Servant Facial at Marigold Castle
- Bath Girl #1 at Marigold Castle
- Bath Girl #2 at Marigold Castle
- New Random door knock (The door just below House No. 1 at the Peasant’s square with different variations in morning and afternoon)
- Mother Celest Anal training (After Sister Kaylee’s quest)
- Random Nun CG – Nuns cleaning the floor (Alternate skin colors – different CGs depending on if you approach them from behind or infront)
- Random Nun CG – Nun cleaning the floor (FUTA variant)
- Nallari Boobjob CG
- Nallari Sex CG (+Anal variant)
- Isilda Handjob CG
- Isilda Anal CG (+ FUTA variant)
- Isilda Sex CG
– Fixed Bugs & Changes:
- Removed a serious bug preventing Fertility potions from working in some cases.
- Fixed some bugs you probably never knew existed.
- Fixed other bugs you knew about
- Added some new bugs for you to find
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- swipe down to hide the ui
- swipe left to roll back
- swipe right to start skipping of text
- swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
- swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
- longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Download Walkthrough And Save File
Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.
Editor's Rating
This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.
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