“Bad Bobby Saga” is an intriguing and complex game that centers around the character Bob, who finds himself in a unique and challenging family dynamic. Bob lives with his three charismatic and strong-willed sisters, each with their own distinct personalities and life challenges, as well as his caring and wise mother. The game revolves around navigating intricate family relationships, understanding the boundaries of sibling interactions, and facing moral and ethical dilemmas.
As players guide Bob through various scenarios, they must make difficult choices that impact the family’s dynamics and individual paths. The game is filled with intense drama, unexpected twists, and deep character development. It explores themes of loyalty, responsibility, and the complexities of familial bonds. Players are encouraged to engage with the story thoughtfully, understanding the implications of their actions in a family context.
In “Bad Bobby Saga,” the focus isn’t just on superficial attractions but rather on the deep, emotional connections that define a family. The game challenges players to think beyond base instincts and navigate a world where decisions have real consequences. It’s a story of growth, understanding, taboo and the nuanced nature of human relationships.
Installation: Extract, Run and Enjoy!
Developer: RAinces
Censored: No
Version: v1.1.0
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Male protagonist, Adventure, Incest, Blackmail, Corruption, Male domination, Voyeurism, Footjob, Groping, Masturbation, Sexual harassment, Rape, Ntr, Spanking, Romance, Oral sex, Creampie, Footjob, Handjob, Big ass, Big tits, Drugs, Sleep sex, Vaginal sex
This is the biggest update I made with more than 3500 new renders.
The update focuses on Liza’s corruption path.
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Download For Windows / Linux
Download For Mac - v1.1 Demo
Download For Android - v1.1 Demo
- swipe down to hide the ui
- swipe left to roll back
- swipe right to start skipping of text
- swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
- swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
- longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Walkthrough, Save File & Incest Patch
Not Needed the Incest Patch in v1.0. (Just rename the “Landlady” to “Mom” at the start of the game and you’re good to go).
Content Changed
Enables incest.
Patch Instructions
Windows/PC: Copy xyz.rpyc into your “game” sub-folder .
Android users: Navigate to Android/data/xyz/files, create a new folder named “game” and copy the xyz.rpyc in this folder.
Mac: Right click your xyz app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Move xyz.rpyc into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder
Note: This patch will work for all future versions as well. Just copy the file for each new game version. It will always stay the same file.
For PC
Extract file from file to the \game sub-folder and overwrite when prompted.
For MacOS
Unzip the mod -> Right-click your “xyz-game” app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents” then “Resources” folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder from the mod to the “autorun” folder -> Click merge.
Extract the “game” folder to the game’s “files” folder (the one with the saves folder and log.txt).
For Gallery Unlocker Mod
Extract and Copy to game folder->renpy folder.
Editor's Rating
This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.
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