“Superhuman” is an interactive game that unfolds a narrative centered around an 18-year-old boy who undergoes a transformative experience after encountering supernatural monsters. The key feature of the game is the protagonist’s acquisition of superhuman abilities, specifically the power to shapeshift. As the protagonist, players must grapple with their newfound powers and make choices that impact the unfolding story.
Key Features:
Supernatural Elements: The game introduces supernatural elements, featuring encounters with monsters that lead to the protagonist gaining superhuman abilities. These abilities, specifically shapeshifting, become a central aspect of the gameplay.
Player Choices: Players take on the role of the 18-year-old protagonist and are presented with choices throughout the game. The decisions made by the player influence the direction of the narrative, allowing for different outcomes and story branches.
Use Powers for Good or Evil: The game provides players with the option to use their superhuman powers for various purposes, including for good, for evil, or simply for fun. This choice-driven approach allows for a diverse range of gameplay experiences.
Worldwide Phenomenon: The narrative suggests that the supernatural occurrences, including the emergence of monsters, are not isolated incidents. Instead, such events are happening globally and are even reported on the news. This adds a sense of urgency and a broader context to the story.
Identity Management: Players must keep their superhuman identity a secret, adding an element of intrigue and challenge to the gameplay. Managing the protagonist’s identity becomes crucial as the story unfolds.
Power Strengthening: The game emphasizes the importance of strengthening the protagonist’s superhuman powers. This suggests a progression system or skill development aspect that contributes to the character’s growth.
Ongoing Development: This version indicates ongoing development with potential updates and enhancements to the game.
“Superhuman” offers players an immersive experience with supernatural elements, choices that shape the narrative, and the exploration of superhuman abilities. The game’s emphasis on player choices, identity management, and ongoing development suggests a dynamic and evolving gameplay experience.
Installation: Extract, Run and Enjoy!
Developer: WeirdWorld
Censored: No
Version: 0.995 Beta
Language: English
Genre: 2DCG, Big Ass, Big Tits, Bukkake, Futa/Trans, Gay, Handjob, Horror, Humor, Lesbian, Male Protagonist, Masturbation, Mind Control, Monster, NTR, Oral Sex, Rape, Romance, Superpowers, Transformation, Trap, Vaginal Sex, Voyeurism
v0.995 Beta
-5 new h scenes
-A week+ of in-game time
Download For Windows / Linux
Download For Mac
Download For Android - v0.97
- swipe down to hide the ui
- swipe left to roll back
- swipe right to start skipping of text
- swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
- swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
- longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Download Walkthrough, Save File & Wiki
Save: Updated for version 0.985.
Gallery Unlock: Updated for 0.95. Should work for future versions (unless the gallery is overhauled again).
Download Multi Mod & Gallery Unlocker
- An in-game walkthrough
- Adds a phone system
- Gallery unlock option by Zeanrith
- Adds a Cheat Menu to change points.
- Adds a save name option.
Editor's Rating
This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on individual’s own preferences.
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